
Show your love of Star Trek on your Samsung phone with these fresh themes and stamps

Last updated: November 25th, 2019 at 17:11 UTC+01:00

Samsung has embraced the Star Wars universe in its ain way, kickoff past launching an ad to promote its Galaxy ecosystem along with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and then past announcing a full-fledged Galaxy Note 10+ Star Wars Special Edition.

At present, if yous're a fan of both Samsung and Star Trek then you might experience a flake left out in lite of these events. Just fret not, at that place are still plenty of ways for you lot to prove your love of the Star Trek universe using official smartwatch and smartphone themes, icon packs, Always on Displays, and fifty-fifty stamps for your photos and videos.

Milky way Themes has plenty of goodies for Trekkers

CBS Studios launched a couple of new Star Expedition: Discovery and Star Trek: Mirror Universe stamp sets throughout November, and if this is the first time yous're hearing about them and then you lot might want to bank check them out on the Milky way Store. They aren't complimentary of charge (none of the items mentioned in this story are) but they look very nice indeed and they could make for interesting additions to your photos and videos.

Now, if you're more interested in customizing your phone then yous might be happy to learn that the Star Expedition: Captain Kirk theme was also added to the Galaxy Themes Store earlier this month to complement the existing Star Trek: Spock theme. They come up with dissimilar icon designs likewise equally appropriate yellow and blue color schemes.

There are enough of other themes to choose from for The Next Generation, Enterprise, Discovery, as well as the Mirror Universe. As usual, buyers can larn full themes or buy icon packs, wallpapers, and Ever on Displays separately. Yous can go one step further into customization and mix and match different components of diverse themes together if that's your affair.

Remember that these Milky way Themes and Icons tin exist downloaded in trial fashion and used for 10 minutes; that way you tin can see for yourself how a theme would look like on your Galaxy smartphone earlier you engage and make a buy.

Are in that location any Star Expedition fans among our readers? Do you lot similar or own any of these themes and goodies? What other Star Trek-related themes would you like to run into on the store? I, for 1, wouldn't mind if they'd add a Q theme. Join united states in the comment section beneath.


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