
How To Install Scanner Windows 10

Today in this article, we will talk about how to install a scanner commuter manually on windows based figurer (Windows vii, viii, 10). Then, please read this commodity till the cease. Nosotros volition give you the detailed step-by-step instructions with the screenshots and with a video tutorial how yous can install a scanner driver manually using its basic driver. Permit'south get started.

There are ii types of scanners bachelor. A dedicated scanner device and a scanner which is inbuilt in an all-in-i printer. Although, the scanner driver comes along with the printer and scanner when we purchase information technology, or we tin can hands download information technology from its official website.

Mostly the scanner driver comes along with an auto installer format (.exe). Nigh of the installer installs the driver successfully, but sometimes it doesn't. In this case, we will have to install the scanner driver manually. When we install the scanner driver manually, we need its WIA / Twain scanner basic drivers. So let'southward get started, how to install a scanner driver manually using its basic driver. Nosotros will practice it through the device managing director then delight follow the following instructions carefully.

We are taking an example of Catechism MX328 scanner (all-in-one printer). Delight change it with your scanner model number, this is but for instance.

Stride-by-step instructions on how to install the scanner driver manually

The following steps are for Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, vii, viii,, ten, Server 2003, 2008, 2022, 2022, 2022.

Scout a video tutorial on how to install scanner commuter manually

Manual Steps with screenshots

  1. Beginning of all download the scanner'south basic driver from Internet. Go to and use its search choice to search your model number and download its basic driver. Or you lot can extract the scanner driver from its full feature driver installer. Click here to know how to download basic driver for scanner.
    download scanner driver
  2. The driver file should be in the cypher format. So, unzip the file by correct-click on it and cull excerpt in separate folder option.
    Unzip the scanner driver zip file
  3. Open up the extracted location and copy the path from the folder's address bar.
    copy the extracted path
  4. Open the device manager. All the connected devices are shown hither.
  5. If your scanner is already installed, then it goes to "imaging devices" else information technology will go to under "Other devices".
  6. Double-click on "Other devices". You will see your scanner entry equally an unidentified device.
    install scanner driver manually step 1
  7. Correct-click on it and click on update driver software.
    install scanner driver manually step 2
  8. Click on the 2d option "Scan my computer for driver software".
    install scanner driver manually step 3
  9. Now, you'll accept to paste the copied path here in the "Search for commuter software in this location" field.
    install scanner driver manually step 4
  10. Make certain to include the double-quote earlier and later on that path similar the following screenshot.
    scanner install tip
  11. Select the cheque box of "Include Subfolders".
    install scanner driver manually step 5
  12. Click on Next. It will first installing the software drivers.
    install scanner driver manually step 6
  13. After finished, you'll a message "Windows has successfully updated the commuter software for this PC".
    install scanner driver manually step 7
  14. Your scanner driver has been installed successfully and it is moved to "Imaging Devices" instead "Other Devices" equally you can see in the below image.
    install scanner driver manually step 8

Questions & Answers

Would you similar to ask a question like the following? Inquire Question you'll become answer within 24 hours. Information technology's completely Free.


Question: Why is scanning not working? I deleted driver and downloaded from your site shows me that it is a problem.

Answer: It could be a hardware issue with your scanner. Does information technology give you an mistake message while scanning the certificate? Or what? If you explain the specific consequence with your scanner then nosotros'll assist you lot exactly to the problem. So please explicate the problem in detail so that we can aid you in a right way.


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